


Department of Road and Airport Engineering

Guo, Zhongyin

PH. D. Professor, Department of Road and Airport Engineering
Phone    021-69585723
Email    Zhongyin@tongji.edu.cn

Website    http://www.tjroad.com/

Zhongyin Guo was born in January 1962 in Juan City, Shandong Province, China. He spends a long time in Tongji University, first as a student and then as a teacher. He has successively held the Posts of Research Assistant, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, Department Director and Dean of School of Transportation Engineering. Now he is a Professor and Tutors of Postgraduate Candidates of Road Safety and Environment Research Institute. He also undertakes some social jobs, such as Council Member of Shanghai Society of Civil Engineering and the Vice-chairman of its Road and Traffic Engineering Committee(Since 2000), Chairman of Road and Road Machinery Committee of Shanghai Highway and Transportation Society ( Since 2002), Personal Member of PIARC (Since 1995), Associate Editor of “The International Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design”, Associate Editor of “Advances in Transportation Studies : An international Journal”, Council Member of China Society of Road Safety (Since 2000), Executive Council Member of Environment and Sustainable Development Branch of  China Highway and Transportation Society(Since 2002), Person Selected for the First Level of New Century Talents Project of the Ministry of Transportation.
Professor Guo is the principal investigator of many National High-tech R&D Programs of China(863 Programs), National Key Technology R&D Programs and provincial or ministerial projects, such as “The Accidents Prevention Management System of Freeway Under Disastrous Weather”, “The Research on the Roadway Geometric Design Index Fingers Effecting Traffic Operation Safety”, “Study on Operation Safety at Tunnel`s Entrance and Exit” and so on.