


Department of Road and Airport Engineering

Tu, Huizhao

Professor, Department of Road and Airport Engineering
Phone: 159001696871

Prof.dr. Huizhao Tu received the B.Sc. degree in civil engineering and the M.Sc. degree in transportation engineering from Tongji University, China, the Ph.D. degree in Transport & Planning from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. He is currently a full professor with College of Transportation Engineering and Vice Dean of Institute for Urban Risk Management at Tongji University, Vice Chairman of Shanghai Standard Technical Committees in Intelligent Transportation System, China. He was with Department of Transport & Planning, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, where he was an Assistant Researcher from 2003 to 2008.

His research interests include autonomous vehicles, transport risk assessment, smart transportation, data fusion etc. From 2003 to 2010, he participated in several Dutch projects on reliable traffic monitoring and emergency traffic management, and from 2010 till now, he was the PIs in several Chinese projects (e.g. NSFC, NSFC-NWO, MOST) in autonomous vehicles, transport risk assessment and smart transportation. Dr. Tu has published over 100 peer reviewed papers, three books and three Shanghai Standards. One of the books is Risk Management of Autonomous Vehicles Road Testing (ISBN 978-7-5765-0094-3). He got five Municipality Awards in Science and Technology Progressing.