3. 不良天气对交通的影响研究
1. “上海市世博智能交通系统关键技术及应用”上海市科学技术进步奖 一等奖,2011年。
2. “上海市机动车电子车牌识别(EVI)应用的可行性研究”,上海市科技成果,登记号:9312007Y0104。
3. “上海市不停车收费应用技术方案”,上海市科技成果,登记号:9312004Y1282。
4. “上海市快速路网现代管理模式和关键技术研究”,上海市科技成果,登记号:20010625。
5. “上海市高速公路路网收费系统规划研究”,上海市科技成果,登记号:931000973。
(1)Shi Lijuan,Wang Jian.Reliability Analysis on the train control system in the CTCS-3.Smart and Resilient Transportation.2020.12.
(2)陈历泉,施莉娟*,田茗舒.基于多目标优化模型的高速铁路综合天窗作业调度研究.铁道运输与经济. 2020.12.
(3) Lijuan Shi, Xuan Liang*, Huize Sun. Study on the Maintenance Plan Optimization model of High-speed Railway ATP Equipment with Improved GA Solution.2021 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, 2021.01.
(4) Shi, Lijuan*; Chen, Liquan; Hazard recognition and reliability analysis of CTCS-3 on-board subsystem, COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. 2020, 151: 145-153.
(5) Shi Lijuan; Li Ang*. A Fault Diagnosis Method of the CTCS-3 On-board Equipment Based on Imbalanced Text Mining. 2020 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, 2020.01.
(6) Lijuan Shi*; Anping Hang; Zuoning Jia; Risk Analysis of Train Control System Based on Fuzzy Mathematics and Bayesian Network. The 4th International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation(EITRT) 2019, Qingdao,Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 639,P529-541 2019.10.
(7) Lijuan Shi; Zuoning Jia; Huize Sun; Tian Mingshu; Liquan Chen; Analysis of the Factors Influencing on Bird Nesting and its Impact on Railway Operation, The 4th International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation 2019(EITRT 2019), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 639,P651-661.Qingdao, 2019.10.
(8)Lijuan Shi, Ang Li,Liquan Chen. The Prediction of Delay Time Class Caused by CTCS-3 Onboard System Fault based on Decision Tree. International Conference on Green Intelligent Transportation System and Safety. 2019.
(9)Lijuan Shi, Liquan Chen, Huize Sun, Zhiyu Wang, Jian Wang and Yiwei Wu. Research on Risk Consequence Severity Evaluation Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and Evidence Theory. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation(EITRT2019).Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 639,P529-541.
(11) Lijuan Shi, Xiangyu Li,Influence of Travel Information on Choices of Inter-city Travel Modes---- A Case Study of Shanghai-Nanjing Transport Corridor,Advances in Engineering Research (ISSN: 2352-5401), 2019.
(12) Shi L J, Wang J. Wu Y W,Li Ang. Hazard sources identification and reliability sensitivity analysis of CTCS-3 onboard system[C].Transportation Research Board,98th Annual Meeting,Washington, D.C. USA. 2019.
(13) Lijuan Shi, Jian Wang, Xiangyu Li. Study on Tram Priority Control Strategy at an Intersection Based on Passenger Occupancy. Proceedings of the 2018 World Transport Convention Beijing, China, June 18-21, 2018.
(14) Lijuan Shi, Yuxiang Li. Urban Integrated Transportation Information System Standard Framework --- A Case Study of a Typical Chinese City.The 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2017) ,Shanghai, China, 2017.
(15) Lijuan Shi,The Effects of Rainfall on Average Vehicle Gap on Urban Freeway an Empirical Analysis,Transportation Research Board,94th Annual Meeting,Washington, D.C. USA, 2015.
(16) Lijuan Shi, Feifei Xing. Modeling Expressway Travel Time under Rainfall Conditions Based on GPS Data', Springer’s Lecture Notes in Geo-information and Cartography, ISBN 3540873953,2014.
(17) Lijuan Shi, Ting Jing, Xiaohong Chen and Dongxiu Ou. The Effects of Rainfalls on Expressway Travel Time; Sustainable Environment and Transportation Part3, Applied Mechanics and Materials, ISSN 1660-9336,2013.
(18) Lijuan Shi, Yang Cheng, Dongxiu Ou, Xiaohong Chen. Modeling the Effects of Rainfall on Urban Freeway Free-Flow Speeds; Sustainable Environment and Transportation Part4, Applied Mechanics and Materials; ISSN 1660-9336, pp.2577-2585,2012.
(19) Lijuan Shi, Yang Cheng, Jing Jin, Bin Ran, Xiaohong Chen. Effects of Rainfall and Environmental Factors on Characteristics of Traffic Flow Fundamental Diagram on Urban Freeway, Transportation Research Board,90th Annual Meeting,Washington, D.C. USA, 2010.
(20) 施莉娟,朱健,陈小鸿,张祎,基础交通数据质量评价研究,交通信息与安全,第5期,2011年.
(21) 施莉娟,朱健,陈小鸿,浦东新区道路网交通诱导方案研究,华东公路,第5期,2010年,pp. 3–6.
(22) 施莉娟,李爽爽,上海市高速公路网多路径条件下驾驶员路径选择研究,上海公路,第4期,2010年,pp. 3–6.
(23) Dongxiu Ou,Michael Balmer,Lijuan Shi,Modeling and Signalizing Intersections for Large-scale Transportation Simulation Network,ITSC09 International IEEE Conference on ITS, St. Louis USA, 2009.
施莉娟;马燕.一种高铁区间事件下列车延误预测方法,2020-12-05, 中国.
施莉娟; 王健; 张晨铿; 一种列控系统风险评估方法, 2019-07-30, 中国, CN 201910694761.4.
施莉娟; 欧冬秀等. 一种公交乘客客流数据采集与分析方法, 2019-6-11, 中国, ZL 201610710845.9.
欧冬秀; 施莉娟等; 一种交叉口多线路有轨车辆交汇的协调控制方法及系统, 2018-9-18, 中国, CN201810245970.6.
施莉娟等. 一种用计轴设备解决轨道电路分路不良的系统. 2015-5-13, 中国, ZL 201210305400.4.
以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc,高铁信号设备全生命周期维修计划优化软件.2020.(施莉娟, 梁轩,孙辉泽)