钱鑫博士,上海高层次人才计划获得者,博士毕业于美国阿拉巴马大学。自2019年8月加入以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc交通运输工程学院以来,主持了相关纵横项课题10余项,其中申请主持了军委科技委基础加强一般项目和国家自然科学基金青年基金各1项,主要从事极端环境下机场跑道修建和运维、低碳交通基础设施以及交通基础设施智能建造等的基础及前沿课题研究工作。近五年来在Journal of Cleaner Production,Cement and Concrete Composites和Journal of CO2 Utilization等国际知名学术期刊上发表论文以来共发表SCI论文30余篇;授权中国/美国发明专利3项;担任多本行业内顶尖期刊审稿人。
2007.09~2011.06 中国海洋大学学士
2012.08~2017.12 阿拉巴马大学土木、营建及环境系博士
2017.12~2019.02 阿拉巴马大学土木、营建及环境系
2019.02~至今 以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc交通运输工程学院
1.Qian, X., Yang, H., Wang, J., Fang, Y., Wang, L., Chen, P., & Zhao, H. (2023). Nanosilica in-situ produced with sodium silicate as a performance enhancing additive for concretes. Cem. Concr. Compos. 142, 105198.
2.Zhao, H., Yang, F., Qian, X.*, Tian, Y., Yang, H., Li, M., ... & Ling, J. (2023). A bio-inspired mineral precipitation method to improve the freeze-thaw resistance of cement concrete pavement. J. Clean. Prod, 419, 138277.
3.Qian, X.; Wang, J.*; Wang, L.; Fang, Y.*; Chen, P.; Li, M. (2022). A clean dispersant for nano-silica to enhance the performance of cement mortars. J. Clean. Prod., 371
4.Qian, X.; Li, M.; Wang, J*.; Wang, L.; Chen, P.; Fang, Y.*; Wang, X.; Yang, F. (2022). A bio-inspired, plant-derived admixture for metakaolin blended cement mortars. Constr. Build. Mater. 2022, 354, 129185
5.Qian, X.; Yang, H.; Wang, J.; Fang, Y.*; Li, M. (2022). Eco-friendly treatment of carbon nanofibers in cementitious materials for better performance. Case Stud. Constr. Mater. 16, e01126
6.Chen, P.; Tan, W.; Qian, X.*; Yang, F.; Fang, Y.; Wang, J.; Li, M. Improving the pore structure of perforated cenospheres for better internal curing performance. Mater. Des. 2022, 222, 111047
7.Qian, X.; Wang, J.*; Wang, L.; Fang, Y. Enhancing the performance of metakaolin blended cement mortar through in-situ production of nano to sub-micro calcium carbonate particles. Constr. Build. Mater. 2019, 196
1.中国发明专利,钱鑫;凌建明;赵鸿铎;杨恒;杨帆;一种纤维混凝土界面改性剂及性能增强改性方法,授权,2023.02.07, ZL202210012283.6
3.美国发明专利,Wang, Jialai; Qian, Xin ; Addition of carbon dioxide to concrete mixtures, 2016-9-26,美国, 20160280598A1(已转化)