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  发表时间:2016-07-26    阅读次数:
Application of Life-cycle Cost Analysis in Civil Engineering

主讲人:Dr. Qindan Huang
Dr. Qindan Huang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at The University of Akron, OH, USA. She acquired her B.S. in Structural Engineering from Tongji University, M.S. in Civil Engineering from The University of Toledo, and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station. She has occupied the roles of engineer, researcher, lecturer, and professor. Several areas of special interest to Dr. Huang are risk analysis, structural reliability, performance assessment of deteriorating structures, and damage detection methods
Life-cycle cost analysis has been recognized as an effective tool to measure economic performance of civil engineering structures. Generally speaking, life-cycle cost consists of three components: initial/construction cost, operation/maintenance cost, and life-cycle loss, where the last two costs involve time-dependent structural performance predictions. Thus, long-term structural integrity and associated uncertainties are appropriately considered in the life-cycle cost assessment, which in turn, provides useful decision making information.
In this presentation, three application projects will be presented. (1) First, life-cycle cost analysis is utilized to quantify the economic effectiveness of a recently-developed self-centering concentrically braced frame (SC-CBF) system. This system is developed to increase drift capacity compared to conventional lateral load resisting system and to eliminate the residual drift. As SC-CBF system can reduce the post-earthquake damages, which may compensate its higher upfront cost, the cost-benefit of using SC-CBF is thus investigated. (2) Second, a life cycle cost analysis is conducted to determine the optimal inspection interval of a 112 km pipeline located the Gulf of Mexico coast subjected to external corrosion. In particular, in-line inspection data is used to probabilistically developed corrosion defect growth models, which are then used for the time-dependent performance evaluation. (3) Lastly, life-cycle cost analysis is applied to determine the optimum repair materials for patch repair of a RC bridge structural component considering corrosion. Three repair materials are considered: normal strength concrete without pozzolan, high performance concrete with silica fume, and high performance concrete with fly ash.
