2012年5月21日下午13:30,以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc交通运输工程学院第59期同路人学术论坛在交通运输工程学院103室顺利举行。本次论坛邀请到John Harvey教授为大家做题为“Research and Achievements in University of Cal-ifornia Pavement Research Center ”的演讲。
Professor John Harvey is the director of UC pavement research center. His research inter-ests are asphalt and concrete pavements, including design, materials, rehabilitation, life cycle, maintenance and reconstruction; pavement cost analysis and strategy selection, effects of pave-ment activities on traffic in urban areas; pavement performance modeling. He is a member of ASCE, AAPT, ISCP, ISAP, and TRB Sub-Committee AFD40.