主讲人:Gabriele Tebaldi(Associate Professor, University of Parma)
邀请人:Prof. Yu Yan
主讲题目:Characteristics of reclaimed asphalt (RA): the basis of hot and cold recycling

Associate Professor in Construction of Road, Railways and Airport at Department of Engineering and Architecture of University of Parma. Adjunct Professor at Engineering School for Sustainable Infrastructures and Environment of University of Florida. Chairman of RILEM Technical Committee on Performance based Asphalt Pavement Recycling. Installed as RILEM Fellow by the General Council of RILEM - International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials. Member of RILEM Development Advisory Committee. Former President and Member of the Board of Directors of ISAP - International Society for Asphalt Pavements.
Chairman of ISAP TC、Vice Chair of the Steering Committee of EATA - European Association of Asphalt Technologists、Associate Editor of the Springer International Journal Materials and Structures、Editor in Chief of the Taylor and Francis 、International Journal Road Materials and Pavement Design.
Bibliometric parameters: 1605 citations, H-index 24
The knowledge of the characteristics of reclaimed asphalt it’s the most important thing to properly design and properly make a mixture of recycled asphalt. It is also important to properly classify the RA in order to have the material used to make the layers of road pavements in the working phase similar enough to the material used for mix design in the lab. The seminar will describe the most important characteristics of RA and how they can impact the characteristics of the final mixture; a classification method developed by RILEM will be also described and explained.