X-ray Computed Tomography as a tool to characterize asphalt pavements

主讲人:Alvaro Guarin Cobo
邀请人:Xingyi Zhu
Alvaro Guarin received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida in 2009. In 2011, he joined KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), where he works as a researcher at the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering. His research has been focused on pavement materials characterization and evaluation; as well as on the use of x-ray computed tomography to characterize the internal microstructure of Civil Engineering materials. He is also coordinator of the highway construction and maintenance course (master level), and works on several capacity building projects in the field of higher education in Russia, Mongolia, Uzbekistan and Bulgaria.
The performance of asphalt pavements with respect to permanent deformation, cracking, permeability, resistance to ageing, and surface texture is largely determined by the way different phases (Aggregates, mastic, air voids) are distributed in the mixture.
The relationship between microstructure characteristics that are known to influence the behavior of asphalt mixtures and macroscopic properties of interest to engineers and designers needs to be better understood.
The digital x-ray tomographic imaging system with tension/compression testing capabilities and environmental chamber can be used to characterize the three-dimensional microstructure of materials, along with the internal damage and fracture evolution of asphalt mixture specimens during static and cyclic loading regimes, as well as specimen’s surface evaluation. In addition, numerical analysis of different scenarios provides enhanced understanding of the impact that the internal structure of asphalt mixtures has on their field performance.
Flexible pavement damage at dynamic truck-road interaction

主讲人:Denis Jelagin
Denis Jelagin obtained his Ph.D. degree in Solid Mechanics from KTH in 2008. Since then, his research activities are focused on mechanics of infrastructure materials as well as on structural mechanics and structural design of roads. Presently he is engaged in several research projects aimed at improving performance predictions and optimizing structural and material design in infrastructure applications. He has 40+ publications in peer-reviewed international journals on various aspects of infrastructure engineering. He is also responsible for the “Transportation Infrastructure” thematic area of KTH Transport Platform - a multidisciplinary research environment at KTH for holistic transport, research, demonstration and innovation. Denis Jelagin is a fellow of RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials) and has been involved in RILEM Technical Committees (TC) on “Chemo-Mechanical Characterization of Bituminous Materials” and “Mechanisms of Cracking and Debonding in Asphalt and Composite Pavements”.
Technical focus: mechanics and material design of stone-based construction materials for roads and railways; discrete element modelling of stone-based materials; structural design of roads; vehicle-road interaction.
Pavement lifetime is strongly affected by the level of traffic induced stresses and strains in the structure. Accordingly, adequate description of the load cases arising at vehicle-pavement interaction is crucial for the pavement performance prediction and for quantifying the relative damage induced by a given vehicle type. Models of varying complexity to quantify the influence of dynamic vehicle-road interaction on pavement damage are presented. Potential of using 3D vehicle dynamics modelling to gain further insights regarding the influence of vehicle driving scenarios on pavement damage is discussed. A new rutting model for asphalt layers is presently being implemented in Sweden. The model is based on the measured viscoelastic properties of asphalt mixture and allows to capture explicitly take the effects of traffic parameters (in terms of e.g. its speed, lateral wander and tire types) on pavement rutting.
Investigating Injury Severity of Occupants at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings: An Application of Machine Learning Techniques and A Partial Least Square Ordinal Logit Model

主讲人:Dr Anae Sobhani
Dr Anae Sobhani is an assistant professor at Utrecht University, Netherlands. Her research focuses on employing advanced Machine Learning techniques and Discrete Choice models on mobility and health. Dr. Sobhani has a multidisciplinary background in transportation planning, mathematical modeling, and urban planning. She is currently leading two projects at Utrecht which focuses on the simulators module of Dutch Urban Mobility Observatory (UMO) (a collaboration between Utrecht University, Delft University, and The Netherlands Ministry of Transportation), and the Vitality data platform (a collaboration between Utrecht University and Eindhoven University). Furthermore, she has developed various travel behaviour prototypes by adopting Immersive Virtual Reality experiences in her Virtual and Augmented Reality Lab at Utrecht University. Before joining Utrecht University, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Delft University of Technology, with her research focusing on Moral Discrete Choice Theory. Dr. Sobhani was a postdoctoral associate at the University of Polytechnique de Montreal (2015-2017), Laboratory of Innovations in Transportation (LITrans), where her research was dedicated to advanced urban behaviour models. She received her Doctoral degree in Transportation Engineering from McGill University in 2015.
Thermomechanical aspects of skid resistance

主讲人:Dr. Kumar Anupam
邀请人:Xingyi Zhu
Dr. Anupam graduated from the department of civil engineering of Indian Institute of technology, Roorkee, India. In the late 2006, He joined the faculty of Civil Engineering and Environment at National University of Singapore as PhD research scholar. He participated in several projects mainly related but not limited to tire-pavement interaction. His proposed thermo-mechanical tire-pavement models are currently utilized and further developed in different research institutes .
He has been working on following different topics:
Constitutive modelling of tire-pavement interaction
Pavement mechanics & design
Accelerated Pavement Testing
Finite element analysis
Experimental and numerical study of interlayer systems
Optimum design of multilayer asphalt surfacing systems on orthotropic steel deck bridges
Big data and Machine analysis
Vehicles’ skidding due to pavement surface skid resistance is one of the most significant causes of traffic accidents. It is directly related to the ability vehicles’ to stop in time without collision.
Temperature increase in a tire due to its deformation or ambience may adversely affect the reliability of skid resistance measurements which may lead to erroneous pavement safety predictions. Dr. Anupam and his group has worked significantly on this topic over years. The novelty of their work is the development of a unified computational framework which incorporates all these factors and accounts for their individual contribution and their interaction in determining the skid resistance of a pavement surface.
The presentation will highlight some of these aspects.
Effects of Infrastructural Changes on Cycling Safety

主讲人:Dr Matin Nabavi Niaki
Dr Matin Nabavi Niaki works as a transportation expert at SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research in Netherland. Her work focuses on the area of cyclist behaviour and safety in relation to road and cycling network design. Her main research interests are surrogate safety measures and computer vision techniques to extract road user trajectories and traffic conflicts. She has participated in different road safety projects in Europe and North America. Dr Matin Nabavi Niaki has a background in Civil Engineering from the University of Toronto. In 2018, she received her PhD from Polytechnique Montreal on the thesis “Cycling network discontinuities and their effects on cyclist behaviour and safety”.
Road surface microtexture and tire/road interaction

主讲人:Minh-Tan DO
邀请人:Xingyi Zhu
Minh-Tan DO is a senior researcher at IFSTTAR (formerly LCPC). He graduated from the French Civil Engineering School ENTPE in Lyon and completed his Master of Sciences and PhD at the University of Sherbrooke in Canada in the field of fatigue of concrete. Dr. Do joined LCPC in 1992 and has been conducting research on the skid resistance of roads, runways and metro rolling tracks. His main research interests are surface texture analysis, effect of contaminants on friction, wear and skid resistance evolution, harmonization of friction measurement methods and driver warning under adverse weather conditions.
The relationship between the road surface microtexture and the tire/road friction and wear is investigated. Mechanisms involved in the lubrication of the tire/road interface under wet conditions are first described. Results of friction tests realized at different water depths are presented highlighting the role of the microtexture to expel water and generate friction.
Research on wear is then presented focusing on the effect of traffic and climate on the variations of skid resistance. Laboratory tests reproducing these actions are presented and compared to observations from actual roads. Analysis of the microtexture helps to understand the wear pattern of road surfaces.
Discussions are made in terms of methods to measure and characterize the microtexture. The role of other factors, such as particles originated from atmospheric dust or traffic debris, affecting the microtexture – and so friction and wear – is illustrated. The complexity of phenomena related to the tire/road contact also rises the need to consider other approaches such as those derived from tribology.