肖峰 博士
主讲人:肖峰 博士
时间: 2019年7月3日(星期三)下午13:30-15:30
Prof.Xiao is currently a professor at the School of Business Administration, andassociate dean of the Institute of Big Data of Southwestern University ofFinance and Economics. He is the Yangtze River Scholar (Young Scholar) of theMinistry of Education, and currently presides over many national andprovincial-level projects such as the Excellent Youth Fund of the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China. He also enrolled in the Sichuan Province’s100-person plan. Dr. Xiao’s research interests include artificial intelligencealgorithms and traffic data mining, transportation network modeling andoptimization, road pricing, multi-modal integrated traffic system research, andintelligent transportation systems. He has published more than 30 SCI/EIindexed papers in internationally renowned journals and conferences such asTransportation Science, Transportation Research Part A, B, C, D and ISTTT.
Thisstudy manages the network mobility with link-based cyclic tradable creditscheme (CTCS) in a general transportation network. Different from most previousstudies on tradable credit schemes, which always assume an independent periodiccredit distribution scheme to maintain the circulation of the credits in thesystem with nonnegative credit charges, in our model the compensatory creditscould be charged from (i.e. positive credit rate) or subsidized to (i.e.negative credit rate) the travelers. With the introduction of cyclic tradablecredit scheme, we pursue three objectives: system optimization, social equity,and most importantly, credit internal cycling without periodic creditexpiration and distribution. We formulate a minimization problem to solve forthe scheme to fulfil the three objectives and discuss the existence of thesolution via the dual problem. We prove that there is no negative cycle underthe proposed CTCS, and when the origin-destination (OD) matrix of the networksatisfies certain conditions, the Pareto-improving solution exists. However,for general networks with origins and destinations overlapping with each other,the solution may not always exist. Nevertheless, in contrast to severaltraditional toll schemes, the equity among the travelers from different ODpairs under the proposed CTCS is still improved. Numerical experiments areprovided to demonstrate the existence/nonexistence of the CTCS under differentsituations and to compare the performances among different schemes.