Africa's Optical Communication Opportunities for the 4th Industrial Revolution

主讲人:Ling Cheng 教授
邀请人:马万经 教授
Ling Cheng received the degree B. Eng. Electronics and Information (cum laude) from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 1995, M. Ing. Electrical and Electronics (cum laude) in 2005, and D. Ing. Electrical and Electronics in 2011 from the University of Johannesburg (UJ).
Professor Ling Cheng was awarded a National Research Foundation Y1 rating in 2014. For the past 16 years, Digital Communications and Information Theory, especially Visible Light Communications (VLC), Power-Line Communications (PLC) and coding techniques, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially computational intelligence, machine learning and machine perception are his main research focuses. In the previous 9 years, he sustained a large research group, trained a number of postgraduate students (25 MSc, 12 PhD and one Postdoc) in the fields of telecommunications and AI, founded the Optical Communication Laboratory at Wits University, and developed the Automatic Fracture Detection and Diagnosis System in X-Ray Images v2.0 in AI.
He is an active volunteer and a Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is a founding member and the Vice-chair of IEEE South African Information Theory Chapter (SA ITSC), Advisor of IEEE Student Branch Communications Society COM19 Chapter. He served as member, chair, co-chair, TPC co-chair and session chair of a number of IEEE conferences including ISPLC '13, 2nd African Winter School '15, SA ITSC CfT Workshop '16'18, GWS '17, ISNCC '18 and SmartGridComm '19.
He is an Associate Professor and Member of Executive Committee, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand since 2015, and he was the founding Editor-in-Chief of The Node (Newsletter) 2010-2017. He was the Principle Investigator (PI) of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa project on Spectrum Management and IMT-Advanced Interference Mitigation Techniques 2011-2015, SA-China NRF-MOST Project on PLC/VLC 2018-2020, Shenzhen International Cooperation Project on hybrid VLC for Internet Industry 2017-2019, NRF Incentive Project 2015-2020, NRF RDG on integrated deep mining communication 2018-2020, Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) Miner Safety Project 2018-2019 and the Co-Investigator (CI) of a number of projects including the IRG - China/South Africa Research Cooperation Programme on Power-Line and Visible Light Communications, NRF SA/Germany on Power-Line Communications and NRF CPRR on Graph Theory. He has raised 2.65mil rand funding as a PI, raised 0.66mil rand as a CI, and additionally raised 2.7mil rand bursaries.
He is a Specialist Editor on Communications and Signal Processing for SAIEE Africa Research Journal and an active reviewer for a number of journals and conferences. The journals include IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, IEEE Access, OSA Optics Express, IET Communications, Computers in Industry, Elsevier, Computer Networks, Elsevier, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Elsevier, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Springer and South African Journal of Science. The conferences include IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE AFRICON, IEEE ISPLC, IEEE ISIT and SATNAC. He was a regular reviewer for IEEE AFRICON, IEEE ISPLC and SATNAC. I am also an active examiner for many universities including University of KwaZulu-Natal, North-West University and University of Johannesburg.
In 2005, he received the Chancellor's medal award for most outstanding Masters Degree graduate. In 2011, he supervised the final-year project, Mona Lisa's Smile, which won the Judges Discretionary Prize for Innovation at the SAIEE National Student Paper Competition. This project was also selected to represent the School to attend the IEEE R8 Student Paper Competition. In 2012, he supervised the final-year project, Multiple Access and Network Coding Hybrid Model, which was awarded the best final-year project on telecommunications. In 2015, the best student paper award was made to his Ph.D. student in Austin at the IEEE International Symposium on Power-Line Communications and Applications. In 2019, he received the Chancellor's medal award for most outstanding research supervisor.
The majority of the research outputs include more than 80 refereed/peer-reviewed journal and conference publications, mostly as the First, Senior or Correspondence Author. Among 29 refereed/peer-reviewed journal papers, 20 papers have ISI impact factors (IF) greater than 1, one paper was published in [Nature Photonics 12, 249–252 (2018)] and the average IF is greater than 4.5. 42 conference papers have been published in IEEE specialist conferences including the flagship conferences GLOBECOM, ICC, ISIT and ISPLC. He gave invited talks at 2018 Advanced Photonics Congress (OSA), IEEE Workshop on Emerging Telecommunication Technologies for Mining, and notably was invited by SA Department of Science and Technology to participate SA-China Scientists High Level Dialogue on 2018/07/24.
He has had a strong commitment to training and developing postgraduate students. He has supervised more than 40 postgraduate students during 2011-2019, 19 have obtained their degrees. He has created an interdisciplinary Master's degree program for intelligent transportation systems, jointly offered by the Wits University and Tongji University.
He has good research collaborations with University of California, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Delft University of Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, University of Johannesburg, University of Pretoria, North-West University and Wits University Physics School. He has also been a visiting researcher at five universities and an advisor at five companies and SA government organizations.
In this talk, by presenting our recent research findings in the field of optical wireless communication, power-line communication, edge computing and pattern recognition, we show three key strategies in response to the Africa's 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), namely building new facilities, leveraging existing infrastructure and looking beyond the traditional business models.
On the path of 'digital' transformation, we see opportunities in telecommunication technologies while facing the challenges of high infrastructure investments and inflexible revenue source. In this talk, we will justify our choice of free space optical (FSO) communication over other broadband approaches in Africa on backbone connectivities. In addition, we will show our visible light communication (VLC) research on leveraging the existing infrastructure such as power-line and lighting system to enhance the 'last mile' access. To embrace the Africa's 4IR and capture/create enough value of 'digital', we blurred the line between telecommunication and application and participated the research on a variety of applications such as miner safety, indoor positioning, automatic meter reading, surface damage detection etc.
At the end of the talk, we will introduce our ongoing collaborative programs and our international collaborators.