Grading-dependent behavior of granular material: from experiments to modeling

主讲人:尹振宇 副教授
邀请人:肖军华 教授
Dr. Yin was graduated from Zhejiang University in 1997 for BEng, and then worked as engineer at Zhejiang Jiahua Architecture Design Institute for 5 years. He obtained MSc and PhD at Ecole Centrale de Nantes in France in 2003 and 2006. After PhD, he worked as research and teaching fellow mainly at Helsinki University of Technology (Finland), University of Strathclyde (UK), University of Massachusetts (Umass-Amherst, USA), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tongji University, Ecole Centrale de Nantes in France, and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Dr. Yin’s research interests include: (1) constitutive modeling of soils from micro to macro; (2) finite element analysis for geotechnical engineering; (3) application of artificial intelligence in geotechnics. Since 2008, he has published over 120 SCI articles in peer reviewed international journals with H-index of WOS being 29.
Dr. Yin leads research programmes funded by RGC, NSFC, ANR, EU-PF7, etc. He served as member of granular materials committee of American Society of Civil Engineers since 2012. He is currently Editorial Board Member of “Canadian Geotechnical Journal”.
Natural soils or man-made fills are often mixtures of fine and coarse grains with a grain size distribution for a selected area. The proportions of these fine and coarse grains can change with time due to grain breakage or internal erosion. This phenomenon has a vital effect on the safety of geotechnical structures. Therefore, the grading-dependent stress–strain behavior of granular materials needs to be better understood.
For full coupling of mechanical or/and hydraulic loading process, it requires: a practically useful model and simulation platform for a given GSD, and then a unified description of GSD-dependent mechanical responses, and finally a multiphysics coupling approach, which are the purposes of this study.