主讲人:Agostino Nuzzolo
邀请人:张戎 教授
时间:2019年5月13日(周一)下午 13:30 ~ 15:00
Agostino Nuzzolo,意大利罗马第二大学(University of Rome Tor Vergata)教授,运输与物流研究方向学科带头人,意大利运输学会前任会长。
Agostino教授的研究领域:His research activity is relative to the theory of transportation systems and its application in transportation analysis, modelling and planning. The main research areas are: Traveler behavioral models for ITS and ICT; Demand and supply models for urban freight transport and city logistics; Assignment models for transit networks; Land use and transport interaction models; Trip chain models in urban areas; Simulation models for road accidents; DSS for strategic and tactical transportation planning. He is the author or co-author of several books, among them some on the innovative schedule-based dynamic approach to transit networks, and of more than 200 papers.
A procedure is presented to determine the potential market of a rail-road intermodal terminal on the base of the road heavy freight vehicle Origin-Destination matrices. These matrices are obtained using a new methodology based on Automated Vehicle Monitoring - AVM data. The procedure is applied to a rail-road intermodal terminal of Veneto Region, one of most dynamic regions in Italy, which is also one node of the One Road- One Belt corridor. Some advantages and disadvantages of the procedure are deepened, together some methodological aspects, in particular relative to the matrix estimations.