主讲人:Dr. Tony Sze
邀请人:涂辉招 教授
Dr Tony Sze is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prior to this, he was lecturer at University of Canterbury in New Zealand. Dr. Sze specializes in accident analysis, injury prevention, and applications of statistical methods. He serves as the associate editor of Accident Analysis and Prevention, journal with the highest impact factor in traffic safety. He is also the editorial board members of Safety Science, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Journal of Safety Research and Analytic Methods in Accident Research.
This study aims to examine the degradation of driving performance of professional drivers, after driving for a prolonged period, using the driving simulator approach. Effects of driver characteristic, road environment and traffic condition on the performance degradation were evaluated. Results indicated that professional drivers tended to perform better than the non-professional counterpart, in the term of lateral control. For the effect of road environment, the driving performance on the urban road was better than that on the motorway, regardless of the driver group, in the term of lateral stability. In particular, remarkable degradation of lateral stability could be revealed, after driving for an hour on the motorway. In the extended analysis, differences in driving performance between driver groups will be evaluated using Analysis-of-Variance (ANOVA) approach. Besides, the interaction effects by road environment and traffic condition on the association between driver group, driving time and driving performance will be examined.
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