Solving the Station-Based One-way Carsharing Network Planning Problem with Relocations
and Non-linear Demand

主讲人:安琨 博士
邀请人:马万经 教授
时 间:2018年4月17日(周二)10:00-11:30
地 点:交通运输工程学院103会议室
Dr. Kun An is currently a Senior Lecturer with the Transport group at Monash University, Australia. She received a Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2014. After graduation, she joined the University of Illinois at Urbana & Champaign as a Postdoctoral researcher in 2015. Her research interests include reliable transit network design, sharing mobility, logistics management, and traffic operation and control. She has published 2 book chapters and 16 peer-reviewed papers in top journals of the field including TRB/TRC/TRE/IEEE T ITS, and has obtained an ARC Discovery Project.
One-way station-based carsharing systems allow users to return a rented car to any designated station, which could be different from the origin station. This study formulates a Mixed-integer Non-linear Programming (MINLP) model to solve the carsharing station location and capacity problem with vehicle relocations. This entails considering several important components which are for the first time integrated in the same model. Firstly, relocation operations address the imbalance between trip requests and vehicle availability. Secondly, the flexible travel demand at various time steps is taken as the input to the model avoiding deterministic requests. Thirdly, a logit model is constructed to represent the non-linear demand rate by using the ratio of carsharing utility and private car utility. To solve the MINLP model, a customized gradient algorithm is proposed. The application to the SIP network in Suzhou, China, demonstrates that the algorithm can solve a real world large scale problem in reasonable time. The results identify the pricing and parking space rental costs as the key factors influencing the profitability of carsharing operators.