Research Trend in Transportation Science in Japan and Research Activities of ITS Group in Kyoto University

主讲人:Nobuhiro Uno
邀请人:杨晓光 教授
Nobuhiro Uno is a Professor at Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University. From 2006 to 2016, he also belonged to Graduate School of Management (MBA) in Kyoto University. He received his Ph.D from Kyoto University in 1997. He has working experiences as visiting scholar at University of Delaware in USA and INRETS in France. His research interests include influence of information provision upon travel and driving behavior, traffic flow analysis using video image data and influence of tourism on traffic congestion.
In this presentation, firstly an overview of research trend in transportation science in Japan will be provided referring to session structure of a recent domestic conference which focuses on transportation engineering and planning. Considering the research trend in Japan, the speaker will outline recent research activities conducted by ITS group of Kyoto University, Japan. The topics mentioned in the presentation will include utilization of big data analysis for enhancing public transportation usage, analysis of effect of safety support information by driving simulator, tourists distribution and traffic congestion and so on.