Sustainability in maintaining and rehabilitating pavement infrastructure
– perspective from United States state transportation agency

Mr. Edgardo D. Block, PE, MBA
主讲人:Mr. Edgardo D. Block, PE, MBA
邀请人:李辉 教授
Mr. Block has worked in the pavement management, evaluation, and design for 28 years, mostly at the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT), but also in a private toll authority in Argentina and in consulting engagements in the United States. Born in Argentina, Edgardo is a graduate of the University of Connecticut, class of 1989, and holds an MBA from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2004).
Over his career he has been involved in the Transportation Research Board (TRB), in the Pavement Evaluation Committee and as Chair of the Pavement Management Systems Committee, and in several Technical Panels for National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) projects. Regionally Mr. Block has been part of the Northeast States Pavement Preservation Partnership, and served as Vice President and President in 2009 and 2010.
At the CTDOT Mr. Block championed and implemented a pavement-preservation program, increasing pavement investment by 30% and introducing innovative pavement technology such as warm-mix asphalt, crumb-rubber tire chip seals and crumb-rubber-tire gap-graded surface mixes, and high-reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) mixes. Currently Mr. Block is focusing on agency’s performance-management effort while continuing to provide expertise in asset management, research, and data collection to Department units.
This presentation describes how sustainability has been and is incorporated into the maintenance and rehabilitation of the pavement infrastructure at the Connecticut Department of Transportation. The presentation covers the evolution of the consideration of costs and benefits into current frameworks. Examples of promising pavement treatments, their performance, and key parameters to success. Warm-mix asphalt and crumb rubber tire hold significant promise in specific applications, which are discussed. At the network level, sustainability is addressed from a pavement-management perspective – there is a significant impact of treatment selection and timing on the effectiveness of a network strategy in achieving the best results. Two examples are presented – strong pavement designs (perpetual or long-lasting concrete pavement) and the impact of implementing a pavement-preservation strategy. The presentation will present two challenges facing CTDOT – first, what should be considered when establishing the benefit-cost ratio and what should be “externalized”, and second, from a performance management standpoint, how to establish line of sight between policy goals and actual concrete measures on the network of roads.