Purdue Center for Road Safety and Its Research on Road Safety Management

主讲人:Dr. Andrew P. Tarko
邀请人:王雪松 教授
Dr. Andrew P. Tarko is Professor of Civil Engineering, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, and Director of Center for Road Safety at Purdue University. His research expertise includes modeling and evaluation of traffic operations and safety, development and implementation of safety management methods and tools. Dr. Tarko teaches several transportation courses at Purdue University. He was a Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator in 80 research grants and awards obtained from various sponsors with his responsibility for the amount of over eight million dollars. Dr. Tarko and his team authored safety management tools implemented to Indiana practice. Dr. Tarko has published numerous journal and conference papers, chapters in six books, and research reports. He is writing a book on fundamentals of measuring safety with surrogate events to be published by Elsevier.
Purdue Center for Road Safety conducts research on road safety modeling and evaluation, safety management tools, and on fundamental analysis and applied techniques of rapid safety measurement. This presentation briefly summarizes recently completed research projects: safety performance of median and roadside barriers, evaluation of the truck rollover risk on new roundabouts, tools for safety management, and a feasibility study of LiDAR scanner for observing traffic and traffic conflicts at intersections.