Cross-Layer Transport/Routing For Multi-Beam Mesh Networks

主讲人:Fei Hu
邀请人:欧冬秀 副教授
Dr. Fei Hu is currently a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alabama (main campus), Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA. He obtained his Ph.D. degrees at Tongji University (Shanghai, China) in the field of Signal Processing (in 1999), and at Clarkson University (New York, USA) in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering (in 2002). He has published over 200 journal/conference papers, books, and book chapters. Dr. Hu's research has been supported by U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), Cisco, Sprint, and other sources. He has chaired a few international conferences. His research interests are 3S - Security, Signals, Sensors: (1) Security: This is about how to overcome different cyber attacks in a complex wireless or wired network. Recently he focuses on cyber-physical system security and medical security issues. (2) Signals: This mainly refers to intelligent signal processing, that is, using machine learning algorithms to process sensing signals in a smart way in order to extract patterns (i.e., achieve pattern recognition). (3) Sensors: This includes micro-sensor design and wireless sensor networking issues.
In this talk, we will introduce the protocol design challenges in mobile multi-level wireless mesh networks with multi-beam smart antennas (MBSAs). We will explain the concurrent communication requirement of MBSAs and its impact on the routing and transport layer design. In routing layer, we proposal a tightly coupled fence routing topology to explore the high-throughput capacity of MBSAs. In Transport layer, we will show how conventional TCP serious degrades the throughput performance. Then we propose a special pipe congestion control scheme that can integrate routing/Transport layer features to form a smooth routing pipe and avoid congestion bottlenecks.