Fundamentals of pedestrian walking behavior and crowd management

主讲人:Winnie Daamen
邀请人:邹晓磊 老师
时间:2016年10月22日 (周六)13:30-14:30
主讲人简介 Winnie Daamen is since June 2013 Associate Professor in traffic flow theory and simulation of vehicular, pedestrian and vessel flows at the department of Transport & Planning of the Delft University of Technology. Early 2000, she has performed her dissertation thesis research on ‘Modelling passenger flows in public transfer facilities’. This specifically concerned the different types of pedestrian behaviour in transport facilities, such as walking, route choice, activity choice, and activity location choice. In the following years, Winnie continued her research in pedestrian behaviour and modelling. During the last few years, Winnie extended her expertise to traffic flow theory and simulation of bicycle traffic and vessel traffic.
Walking becomes more and more important as transport mode, not only for short trips for which walking is the only mode, but also in multi modal trips and in walking to e.g. the parking lot. In addition, more and larger gatherings take place, both planned and unplanned. Having so many pedestrians in a confined may lead to incidents, with sometimes even fatal outcomes. This presentation aims to give insight into the fundamentals of pedestrian walking behavior, including e.g. basic traffic flow theory, but also the self-organisation phenomenon. These insights are then used to formulate guidelines for crowd management, and shows how these guidelines can be applied in a large scale event.