Airlines’ Reaction to High Speed Rail Entries: The Case of Northeast Asia

主讲人:Prof. Anming Zhang
邀请人:凌建明 教授
Anming Zhang is a Full Professor in Operations and Logistics and holds Vancouver International Airport Authority Chair Professor in Air Transportation at Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia (UBC). He served as the Chair of the Operations and Logistics Division, Sauder School of Business (2003-2005), and as the Director of UBC’s Centre for Transport Studies (2003-2004). He has been the Vice President (Academic & Program) for the World Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) since 2006. Dr. Zhang is the recipient of the “Yokohama Special Prize for Outstanding Young Researcher” awarded at the 7th World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR) in Sydney, Australia in 1995, and of the “WCTR-Society Prize”, awarded to the overall best paper of the 8th WCTR in Antwerp, Belgium, in 1998. In June 2014, he won the “Best Overall Paper Prize” at the ITEA (International Transport Economics Association) Conference on Transportation Economics, Toulouse School of Economics, France.
Dr. Zhang has published over 120 refereed journal papers in the areas of transportation, logistics, industrial organization and trade policy. He has co-authored two recent books: Globalization and Strategic Alliances: The Case of the Airline Industry, 2000, Pergamon Press, Oxford; and Air Cargo in Mainland China and Hong Kong, 2004, Ashgate, London (Chinese editions published both in Hong Kong and Mainland China).
We investigate the impact of the commencement of High-Speed Rail (HSR) services on airlines’ domestic available seats on affected routes in China, Japan and South Korea. The study is based on a dataset covering the 1994-2012 period. We use the propensity score matching method to pair HSR affected routes with routes without HSR services. The difference-in-difference approach is used to estimate the impact of HSR entry. On average HSR entries did not lead to a substantial cut in airlines’ seat capacity in Japan and Korea. However, there were strong negative impacts on routes in China where airlines started to reduce seat capacity two years prior to the entry of HSR on short-haul routes, but the medium-haul routes would lose seat capacity only in the second year after HSR entries and there was little impact on long-haul routes.