我的学术生涯: 回顾过去, 展望未来

主讲人:丘瑞龙 教授
邀请人:赵鸿铎 教授 李辉 教授
Dr. Ruey (Kelvin) Cheu is best known as a pioneer in bringing artificial intelligence techniques into the transportation engineering field. He is one of the first to apply artificial neural networks, genetic algorithm, particle swarm algorithm, and the first to apply support vector machines in transportation engineering. He and his PhD student are the first civil engineers who studied one-way carsharing using real data and formulated the first mathematical model to solve the vehicle inventory relocation problem. His research articles have been cited more than 2800 times. The Google Scholar ranks him the number 17 most highly cited scholar in transportation engineering.
Dr. Cheu is also an expert in international and multidisciplinary education programs. He has created, directed and/or is directing a transatlantic and a transpacific dual master programs that integrate transportation engineering education with industrial engineering/logistics/supply chain training. He is currently directing the U.S.-Mexico faculty-led bi-directional study abroad program on smart cities. This innovative program involves 5 departments from the 2 universities and a major industry supporter (IBM).
Dr. Cheu is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on Transportation Science and Technology (IJTST), a new scientific journal for which publishing services are offered by Elsevier and sponsored by Tongji University.

主讲人:王忠仁 高级工程师
邀请人:赵鸿铎 教授 李辉 教授
Dr. Wang is a Pavement Management Specialist with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). His areas of expertise include pavement management, traffic operations and management, and intelligent management systems. A registered Civil Engineer and Traffic Engineer in the State of California, Dr. Wang has more than 20 years of experiences in project development and management, program administration, as well as academic teaching and research. Currently he manages the pavement programming program with an annual budget exceeding one billion dollars. Dr. Wang serves on four standing Committees of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), including Geometric Design, Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics, Pavement Management, and International Cooperation. He also serves as panelists for multiple National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) research projects. Dr. Wang published some 30 journal papers and book chapters in various refereed journals and proceedings. He is now an associate editor of the International Journal on Transportation Science and Technology.
Dr. Wang earned his Ph.D. degree from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, his M.Sc. degree from the National University of Singapore, his M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees from Tongji University. All degrees are in Transportation Engineering. Dr. Wang is the founding editor and the Associated Editor of the International Journal on Transportation Science and Technology (IJTST), a new scientific journal for which publishing services are offered by Elsevier and sponsored by Tongji University.