
邀请人:陆键 教授,常云涛 老师
The speaker, Jiang Yu Zheng, is a full professor at Purdue University Indianapolis working on intelligent vehicles with the objectives of autonomous and safety driving. His background is computer science focused on mobile robotics, computer vision, vid -eo and sensor data processing, virtual reality, multimedia, and big-data classification. He received BS from Fudan in 1983, and PhD from Osaka University, Japan in 1990. He has worked in ATR Communication Research Institute, and Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan as Associate Professor. He Joined Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis in 2001, working on image representation of city, video surveillan -ce, detection of vehicle, human, and bicyclists in driving video, and vehicle collision avoidance and alarming. He received the Research Award from Japan Information Pro -cessing Society for creating the world first digital panorama image and route panorama.
Visual sensing is a key component to realize autonomous driving of intelligent vehicles. Automatic detection of lane marks, road edges, surrounding vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists are basic tasks for vehicles to drive in city. In addition, investigating road environments is also indispensable for ensuring safety driving, designing road sensing system, and vehicle testing on sensing systems. This talk will give an overview of the efforts for these objectives based on dynamic videos recorded by vehicle borne cameras. Data reduction, storage, transmission, and retrieval are the challenging topics in using long driving video. Our applications include the vehicle detection by motion and Time-to-Collision computation, pedestrian and bicyclist detection in driving video and behavior analysis, driving history recording and visualization by motion and road profiles of video, railway and road surface visual mapping and monitoring, big-data analysis of naturalistic driving video for traffic density, and survey of road environment appearances under various illuminations. The forum will also mention the vehicle collision testing work, and virtual driving system for behavior analysis carried out in the Transportation Active Safety Institute, IUPU.