主题一:A New Stone-Bitumen Adhesion Model
主讲人:Bjorn Birgisson
主题二:Integration of Material Characterization to Revitalize Pavement Structural Analysis/Design
主讲人:Dallas N. Little
邀请人:凌建明 教授

Bjorn Birgisson received a BSCE in civil engineering and a BS in mathematics from the University of North Dakota, a MS in Civil Engineering from Cornell University and a Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of Minnesota, USA, in 1996. He received his tenure in civil engineering at the university of Florida in 2004.Since 2014, he has been employed as a pro vice-chancellor and executive dean for the school of engineering and applied science at Aston University. Between 2009 and 2013, he served as the vice president for research at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. He also served as the professor and head of the division of highway and railway engineering from 2007 to 2014, where he established a new leading edge laboratory and established the Road2Science academy-industry research center at KTH. Prof. Birgisson is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers. He wrote the US national roadmap for nanotechnology for concrete materials, served as the chair for TRB Task Force AFN15T on nanotechnology-based concrete, as well as RILEM TC 231一nanotechnology-based bituminous materials. He has served on multiple technical committees, as well as boards for research centers, institutes, companies and schools. He currently serves on both the green city commission and the smart city commission for the city of Birmingham, UK. He serves on the editorial board of two international journals.

Dallas N. Little is Regents Professor and holder of the E. B. Snead Endowed Chair in Civil and Transportation Engineering in the Zachry Department of Civil Engineering at Texas A&M University at College Station, Texas. Professor Little holds a joint appointment as Senior Research Fellow in the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI). He was the first to be appointed to the senior fellow position by TTI. He has published over 200 journal articles and over 450 total publications regarding infrastructure materials. He has given over 470 invited lectures world-wide. Over the past seven years, Professor Little serves as principal investigator of Texas A&M University’s portion of the $30 million Asphalt Research Consortium (ARC) program which addressed fundamental, developmental and applied aspects of asphalt technology. A major deliverable of the ARC was comprehensive computer model of asphalt damage based on a 2-D or 3-D finite element based, continuum damage structural model that considers the asphalt layer as non-linear, viscoelastic and viscoplastic. The model called Pavement Analysis using Non-linear Damage Approach, PANDA, couples environmental effect such as moisture damage, oxidation aging, and micro-damage healing in the continuum damage model for asphalt. Professor Little has served as a consultant on over $3 billion dollars of design-build highway projects in Texas; on the multi-billion dollar high speed rail project between Dallas and Houston, Texas; and on the Denver, Doha, and new Mexico City International Airport Projects.
He is a Distinguished Member of ASCE and in 2016 will give the Francis C. Turner and C. L. Monismith Award Lectures sponsored by the ASCE. He is chief editor of the new ASCE Journal of Transportation, Part B: Pavements.