主题:From Cognitive to
Docitive Radios: The Role of Machine Learning in Intelligent Wireless
Multimedia Networks
主讲人:Fei Hu

Fei Hu博士目前担任美国Alabama大学(主校区)电子计算机工程学院教授。于1999年获得以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc信号处理博士学位,师从张树京先生,2002年获得美国纽约克拉克森大学电子计算机工程博士学位。目前已经发表200余篇期刊/会议论文、书籍、专书章节。其研究内容获得美国国家科学基金会,美国国防部,思科有限公司,Sprint通信有限公司等其他机构部分支持,并担任过无线通信国际会议主席。
In recent years, multimedia wireless
transmissions have become a rapidly growing field and have received increasing
attentions. Enabling multimedia communications over wireless networks to reach
their full potential is a challenging task, due to the complex and time-varying
features of wireless networks. This dissertation presents intelligent
multimedia wireless transmission schemes that enable prioritized multimedia
transmission over various wireless networks, using advanced wireless networking
techniques and cutting-edge machine learning techniques. Particularly,
cross-layer design for multimedia transmission, spectrum handoff for cognitive
radio networks, and multi-channel wireless mesh networks with multi-beam
antennas are addressed for the improvement of multimedia wireless transmission.
Non-linear optimization is utilized for cooperative design of cross-layer
wireless transmission; manifold learning is explored for dimensional reduction
and user similarity measurement. Mixed preemptive resume priority and
non-preemptive resume priority M/G/1 queueing models are proposed to for
modeling the spectrum usage behavior for prioritized multimedia applications in
wireless networks. Reinforcement learning is adapted to enable users to learn
from their experience and the environment and apprenticeship learning is
adapted to enable users to learn from other experienced users in a similar
wireless network environment. These proposed transmission schemes have one or
multiple advantages as: (1) efficiently uses available wireless resources to
achieve the optimum transmission performance by means of cooperative design
between different wireless layers and/or different users; (2) explicitly
considers complex wireless communication conditions; (3) enables prioritized
multimedia applications through allocating more wireless resources to
applications with a higher priority; (4) opportunistically optimizes spectrum
usage through a hybrid queueing model that manages all the spectrum usage in
the network; (5) enables users to conduct spectrum behavior intelligently
through learning from experience of their own as well as of other experienced