主题: Loop detector data error diagnosing and interpolating with probe vehicle data
时间: 2014年5月12日 (10:00-11:30)
地点: 学院103
Abstract :
Loop detectors are a common technique to collect traffic flow data. In urban areas they are used for monitoring and control of traffic. Area traffic management systems like SCATS and SCOOT rely on loop detector data when they have to realize traffic dependent signal control. Since road reconstruction is very common in urban areas, detectors are often broken. Also heavy traffic in combination of weak pavement may cause detector failure. A method is developed to check whether detectors give trustworthy counts. In the case that loop detectors are not working well, an alternative is to use the data from probe vehicles with GPS. The arrivals place and time of probe vehicles at the back of the queue gives information about the growth rate of the queue, which is an indication of the flow rate on a link.
Henk van Zuylen is emeritus professor in the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at the Delft University of Technology. He is visiting professor at Tongji University (Shanghai), the Research Institute of Highway (Beijing), Hunan University (Changsha), and Changsha University of Science and Technology. He is director of the Chinese-Netherlands ITS training center and the consultancy company vZC.
His main research interests are: dynamic traffic management, network reliability, traffic monitoring systems, travelers’ behavior in response to traffic measures, technology assessment and innovation processes, and interactive and creative planning processes. He participated in the FANTASIE project executed for the European Commission to identify and assess new technologies for transport. He also participates in the European research program EDICT, in which the potential of new systems for public transport for European cities are assessed. Henk van Zuylen executed several studies in China, e.g. for Shanghai and Beijing to find ways to reduce congestion on the ring roads, for Changsha the assessment of the SCATS traffic control system, for Chengdu for the development of a training system for emergency management.
主讲人: Prof. dr. Henk van Zuylen