Professor Chao YANG has been committed to studies in the areas of big data analysis, transportation planning theory, network traffic flow analysis, and traffic behavior analysis. He is the PI of two projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation and one supported by the 863 Program. He also participates in two projects sponsored by the Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation, and two 863 Program projects. He has published more than 20 papers in several prestigious international journals indexed by SCI. He was awarded sponsorship by the Shanghai Rising-Star Program in 2008, and by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University from the Ministry of Education of China in 2009. He also serves as a Vice Chair of the Young Scientists Working Committee of China Communications and Transportation Association.

Dr. Dongyuan YANG (Professor): Transportation planning and management, traffic information analysis, and logistics system planning
Dr. Xiangdong XU (Associate Professor): Transportation system reliability analysis, and transportation network modeling and optimization
Dr. Zhengyu DUAN (Lecturer): Big data analysis, transportation planning and management, and intelligent transportation system design
Transport Data Science Research Center of Tongji University
Transport Data Science Research Center is a research laboratory established by Tongji University in partnership with some world-class universities, government departments and information technology companies. It aims to develop new knowledge, technologies and approaches for transport big data and computational intelligence, cultivate transport data analysts and promote the development of transport data industry.
In our laboratory, the research projects include: pervasive traffic data acquisition and information fusion, life-cycle transport infrastructure management and maintenance, network traffic status evolution and intelligent management, transport operation management and safety, and decision-oriented transport model and integrated simulation, etc.
Our laboratory is equipped with advanced facilities. Transport big data experiment platform is building for research, development and teaching. This experiment platform consists of high-performance computing clusters, mass storage units and visualization system. Over 100 terabytes transport data have been imported in the experiment platform. The data include mobile phone data, GPS data of Taxi and bus, GPS data derived from smartphones, vehicle license plate recognition data, smart card data of bus and metro, induction loop data, etc., covering Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Xiamen and other large cities of China. The experiment platform can also access the computing and data resources of our partner companies like Cennavi, Navinfo. Our laboratory has established cooperative relationships with University of Washington, Purdue University, Shanghai Traffic Information Center, Shanghai Transport & Port Research Center, Tencent, etc.